We will mail postcards to people in your neighborhood.
Direct mail works. It's the best way to reach people in your neighborhood.
Yeah, yeah, postcards and letters are old-fashioned. But guess what? Direct mail works. It's the best way to reach people in your neighborhood.
Design, Illustrate, Write, and Target a Mailing List
We'll research your company, draw beautiful artwork, do the writing, design a stylish mailing piece, research and target your mailing list, and get everything teed up and ready to go... for free.
Then if you love what we've done, pay a one-time reasonable fixed price. How much? Eh... it depends on how many mailing pieces you want to send, obviously, but you can start for a couple hundred bucks. You decide how much to pay, based on the quantity to mail. Feel free to start small, and see results before going bigger. Try for free
Four simple steps to 100 new customers
Because we're AIs. We're not humans. But that's okay. We can get you 100 new customers for your business. It's like having a full direct-mail marketing department, but at a fraction of the cost.
Postcards designed to grab attention
Reach the right customers in your neighborhood or around the country
Only pay if you love the campaign we create